Thank you so much, everyone! It has been a wonderful journey these last six years. I’ve taken Yogurt and her friends through middle school and high school, exploring the little things in their lives. Sometimes things have been calm and fun, while at other times things have been stressful and emotional. But that is life in a nutshell. I really did have such a wonderful time telling this story, this arc of two childhood friends growing up.

Well, things will definitely be different. Yogurt and Berry are about to start their college programs. Their very first steps into adulthood would be exciting and challenging. We’ll see characters come back too, friends like Risa, Terry and Olivia. Not only that, we might even see some familiar faces of old. With a new arc around the corner, I have another story that I would like to tell, one that involves Yogurt’s time in her college years. In the spirit of the series, you can expect me to build up the story over the course of many years.

I’ve been meaning to leave many readers with the option to drop the series safely, and I figured that the end of the Childhood Arc is the perfect place to stop. That’s not to say that you can’t keep reading on. In fact, I’d be very thrilled if everyone kept reading and watching Yogurt grow year by year! Adulthood will present new themes and challenges for Yogurt, and I want to show you what’s in store for her.

Once again, thank you, everyone, for reading my comics thus far! Just to clarify, the series is not ending. In fact, I’ll see you again next week!