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  • A photo of a charm set.
  • Looking for the Digital Download? Check out my Bandcamp!

    Music Inspired by the Comic Series!

    The Yogurt Original Image Soundtrack is a collection of instrumental music inspired by the Yogurt Short Comics series. The music is exclusively composed by our very own author, Lee Cheong Loong (YogurtM), as well as by guest composer, Paul Cecchetti. This long awaited project has finally taken off! Comprising mainly of piano compositions, soft music, and various contemporary instrumentals delivered by both myself and Paul Cecchetti, we hope to have compiled an album that have captured the atmosphere of the comic series and feelings of the characters. Everything from the sentimental moments of Yogurt, to the light-hearted moments of when she’s with her friends.
    Autographs upon request. This order is available to Canada and US customers only. For international orders, please contact me at [email protected]
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    Tada! It's a wall scroll of Yogurt and her friends all dressed up and making cool poses!

    They look like they just came right out of an action-packed series. Oh, is that misleading. I had originally printed this giant wall scroll out for myself, without the intention to sell it. I have to admit, these are pretty pricey to print individually, so I'm really only offering this wall scroll to those select few die-hard Yogurt fans. If that happens to be you, then here's your chance! If you enjoy plastering your walls with all sorts of anime and manga posters and wall scrolls, then I'm sure that you'll also enjoy having a Yogurt one up there too!
    Please note that these are made-to-order and will require extra shipping and handling time. Available only to US and Canadian customers only. To place an order, please contact me at [email protected]. Also note that the gallery photo showing the actual wall scroll is my own. I have made some modifications for the version that I will be selling, so the photo does not fully reflect the final product.    
  • Yogurt and her friends are back for their third year. Third year’s a charm!

    Hypnotized by the blissfulness of everyday life, Yogurt is seemingly unaware of the changes that adolescence brings. However, she is not alone. Yogurt has her closest friends with her as she savors her last semesters in middle school together with her friends. It has been almost three years since she had met Risa and Terry, an odd duo of personalities that had kept her company all this time. Risa is a small and feisty girl with an avid interest in all the latest gadgets. Terry is a star athlete in his school, who also has hopes of becoming a professional cook. For Yogurt, it was all thanks to Berry, her shy bookish childhood friend, that she was able to meet such wonderful people.
    Autographs upon request. This product is available to Canada and US customers only. For international purchases, contact me at [email protected]
  • Two. Two Volumes! Enjoy even more Yogurt Short Comics in this second volume collection!

    Yogurt and her middle school friends are back in another volume of regular outings and shenanigans! Yogurt is now in her second year of middle school, and as she continues to grow, so do her memories together with her friends! Yogurt still takes care of her early childhood-friend, Berry. If she ever needs help with any new gadgets, Yogurt looks up to Risa, who has an admirably geeky side to her. If Yogurt wants to learn how to cook, she’ll look to Terry, her charming tall friend who enjoys cooking.
    Autographs upon request. Ships to Canada and US only. For international purchases, contact me at [email protected]
  • From the webcomic series, to the first volume release. Enjoy the Yogurt Short Comics!

    Our story follows Yogurt, a young and creative girl, together with her middle school friends, all of which are quirky in their own right. Berry is her quiet and shy childhood friend, who enjoys composing stories. Risa is a short, but smart computer wizard, who also enjoys various sweets and treats. Finally there’s Terry, our brightest and most optimistic addition to the group. Together, they experience the joys and tiny pleasures of everyday life, through all the cute, relaxing, heart-warming, or even touching moments!
    Autographs upon request. Ships to Canada and US only. For international purchases, contact me at [email protected]