Happy New Year everyone! It’s the very first comic of the new year and the very first comic for the new decade! The Yogurt comics have been going on for a long time now, pretty much within the last decade. I’m really happy to have made it this far, and I very much still have many stories to tell of Yogurt as she continues to tackle Adulthood. With a whole new decade ahead of us, we can expect to see lots of growth with Yogurt. We’ll see her complete her schooling, start her first job, or even begin to take the first steps towards motherhood. There’s so much ahead, and I hope to be able to keep on writing and delivering stories!

In this comic, I want to bring back a familiar character to the spotlight, Yogurt’s mother! At first it might not seem like it, considering just how alike Yogurt is to her mom. You might even have mistaken her for Yogurt. In the Childhood Arc, Yogurt’s mother was a very pivotal character in the development of Yogurt’s character. So much of what made Yogurt grow and blossom by the end of the Childhood Arc stems from Yogurt finally coming to terms with the loss of her mother. In this chapter, I want to explore some of the everyday things that Yogurt’s mom had put up with raising young Yogurt, as these might be the things that Yogurt will one day experience herself firsthand.