Hi everyone! I just want to make a quick update here regarding my Vampire Enya novel that’s in the works! I’m proud to announce that I’ve made a significant amount of progress in writing the story, and have crossed a milestone in the plot progression. In no way am I anywhere near complete of the novel, but it’s encouraging to know that I’ve reached the point of the inciting event where my Vampire Hunter meets Enya for the first time. I’m sitting at approximately 15,000 words into the novel by the time this happens in the story. The story from here onwards of My Lonely Orphan Vampire Enya is only just the beginning.  I look forward to finishing this novel and getting it ready for publishing this year!

On a related note, this chapter in the Yogurt series will be focusing mostly on Berry and his hobby reading books and such. In this comic, Yogurt plops herself next to Berry, curiously wondering what book he’s reading today. She expresses interest into the story he’s reading, mostly because Yogurt hasn’t really asked Berry a whole lot about the kinds of books he’s read. Yogurt, however, is aware of a lot of books that Berry likes. For example, things like Wizards and Witches is a long series of books and movies that Berry loves. Anyway, in this comic, Berry is reading some sci-fi, and when Yogurt decides to ask him about what the story is about, Berry starts to infodump everything for Yogurt to get the gist of what kind of story it’s like. If it isn’t already clear, Berry is clearly engrossed into the world and story of his book, while Yogurt is trying her best to understand the jargon.