Hi everyone! One more comic for the week!

In this comic, Berry had surprised Yogurt by telling her that he applied the both of them to another agency in town to help them look for jobs. Yogurt is super grateful for it, but was also wondering how exactly Berry was able to do it. As it turns out, earlier in this chapter, Berry had asked for a copy of Yogurt’s resume. That was how he was able to get a copy so that he could forward it to the agencies along with his own resume too. As a result, the two of them will be attending a meeting with the agency in question sometime soon for a brief interview. Lucky for Yogurt that she has a fiancee that’s on the ball with these things and is help her find work!

In other news, I had recently announced the revival to my inktober yogurt series the other day on my stream! The spiritual successor will be called “Ink, Coffee, and a Side of Yogurt”, and it will be a series of illustrations and streams showcasing my traditional inking and illustration process. I’ll be playing around with new inking tools, markers, pens, and even an airbrush. The custom inks I’ve made over the last couple weeks will also be used to full extent for this endeavor. I hope to see you in the streams! I’ll be aiming to stream on the weekends in alternating start times to try to catch my audience in Europe and Asia too.