One last comic for the month! Thank you so much for sticking around for this month’s chapter. This was a pretty heavy chapter to work on, admittedly. The Yogurt series is no stranger to dealing with some of the heavier sides of life from time to time. While I do my best to keep everything bright and happy, I personally believe that memories like that aren’t thoroughly appreciated unless one has gone through some hardships to make it feel that much more meaningful. For Yogurt and myself, these are events in our lives that leave a lasting impact. Inspiring us to appreciate the time we have in our lives, be it the mundane and everyday, to the eventful and lively. Perhaps some of us will choose to do more.

In my case in particular, this very same event gave birth to the Yogurt series. A story I’ve long held for myself and retelling some of my life’s most memorable experiences through the character medium that is Yogurt and her friends, would not have existed if not for what had happened to my very own dad.