Hi everyone! Just a small update regarding my Vampire Enya novel! I’ve recently reached the second draft state of my manuscript, and I’m looking to put it through the process at least one more time before I say I have anything like a final manuscript ready. In the mean time, I’ve begun working on the formatting for my print book. There’s honestly not too much work for formatting, as it becomes pretty streamlined once I’ve set up all the necessary styles and page templates. I’ll likely also be working on the insert illustrations over the next little while too. My goal is to have a printed proof copy in my hands by the end of August before I decide to do a print run.

In this comic, Terry catches up to Risa after noticing her talking to one of the attendants at the TwoSoft Studios booth. Risa introduces Terry to the game dev. The two of them have been playing the game quite occasionally, so even Terry can vouch for how fun the game is! With how bright Risa is, the game dev expresses his thanks for having someone in the community be much help in making their game that much better.