Hi everyone! I have new comic for the week! I also have some news to share regarding my Vampire Enya plush toys. They are currently on their way to me, and I should be hopefully receiving them within 1-2 weeks. If I’m lucky, maybe even by the end of this week! I’m still trying to figure out the logistics of shipping these out to customers, so for everyone that pre-ordered a plush, hang tight. I need to source some shipping boxes that will fit the plushies!

In this comic, as Terry and his friends are enjoying birthday cake, Risa comes out to give Terry a present! It’s was something that has been bothering Risa for much of the month, but she managed to find something that she wanted to gift Terry. For a very long time, Terry has been using an old flip phone, one that isn’t quite compatible with all the modern apps that Risa and everyone else uses. Despite that, however, he was still making do with regular texts and calls. In this comic, however, Risa got Terry a brand new smartphone, one that uses new apps.