Hi everyone! I have some great news to share! My Lonely Orphan Vampire Enya Vol. 1 has been sent in for proof printing, and I should be getting my first copies within the next week or so. With the novel just about wrapping up, I’ve actually gone ahead and opened pre-orders for the book. You can go to this link to pre-order a copy today! So far, there has been quite a number of pre-orders placed, which has me very excited to learn that so many people are interested in reading my story. I am quite a bit anxious as to whether it’s something my readers will enjoy, but I’m confident that it will still be an enjoyable read.

In this comic, Risa and Terry are descending down the hiking trail. The trail is surprisingly steep, so they have to pay extra attention to where they’re placing their footing. Just as Terry warns Risa not to descend too quickly, Risa catches a bit of loose gravel and loses her footing. As she starts to fall, Terry immediately rushes in and grabs hold of her from behind heroically. Risa, stunned and dazed by her near-miss accident. With how steep the trail was, it could’ve been a very nasty fall for Risa to endure if Terry wasn’t there.