Comic #1700!!

Hi everyone! I have a new comic today! But before I talk about that, I just have a short update to share regarding my Enya books. I’ve been going through the proofs over the last few days, reading the book as if I were a new reader. So far, I think much of the book is ready for the final print run, with minimal corrections made. Some of the only corrections have been minor formatting changes and a missing word, but otherwise I think the book is excellent! I’ve enjoyed reading the story in the book format, and it has me excited to be able to share that with you when it’s time to release it. Which brings me to the release date. I hope to get the book published by late August, so if you haven’t pre-ordered yet, you’ll have about a month left to reserve your copy, especially if you want the hardcover, since I will not be keeping those regularly stocked.

In this comic, Yogurt is sweating profusely as the summer heat and sunlight beams down on here in the sweltering badlands of Alberta. The valley seems to just collect all of the heat, baking every living thing in its wake. She tries to seek shade under a rare tree. For a brief moment, she felt relieved from the heat. However, it would soon dawn on her that she wasn’t the only living thing seeking shelter in the shade.