I am back everyone! Today is the big day! My Lonely Orphan Vampire Enya Vol. 1 is officially published and is live right now. I’ve sent in the books for printing and I should be getting them sometime in the middle of September. I’m hoping that the print run is all good and that there are no printing issues that may lead to delays. I just want to thank everyone for their support over this past year as I was working on the novel. I really think that it’s going to be a story that you will enjoy, and if not, then that’s okay. I’ll just make sure to do better in the next book. The digital PDF edition is now live and you can download it hereIn addition, you can also read the first four chapters of the book as part of a free preview!

In this comic, Yogurt and her friends are spending some time together in the food court! They’re having a chat over some snacks when Yogurt notices that there’s a new arcade that’s built next to the food court across from where they’re sitting. Yogurt is surprised to see that mall arcades are around, as she doesn’t recall seeing very many arcades in recent years. It turns out they’ve been making a small comeback.