Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2018! It’s a new year, and I have a new chapter of comics to share with everyone! Yogurt and her friends are in their last year of high school! It’s been an incredible journey for me, and I hope to continue doing my best to deliver comics, music, and book into this new year! There’s so much to look forward to, and perhaps I can finally finish up Sketch Artist Koko and my second Yogurt OST! My CD would definitely be doable, but my children’s book on the other still proves to be quite the challenge. Funding for this book is definitely no joke.
In this comic, young Yogurt is doing her homework! She’s having a bit of trouble, so she turns around and ask for help… From her mother! In this month of comics, I will be focusing on Yogurt and her mother and the time they’ve spent together.