Hi everyone! I have a new comic to share for the week! But before I talk about that, I do have a few updates to share about the Enya book. For a few folks who have been snooping around the website, you might have noticed that I’ve updated the listings for My Lonely Orphan Vampire Enya Vol. 1, as well as opened a listing for taking pre-order placements. I haven’t quite made a full announcement on it yet, but if you’d like to, you’re free to reserve a copy today! You can pre-order ahead here

In this comic, Yogurt and her friends have begun their hike! As Risa is walking on ahead, she notices that Terry isn’t wearing any hiking shoes. Instead, he seems to be doing fine with a basic pair of loafers. Risa questions if Terry is comfortable in them, considering that this hike may be challenging because of the elevation and terrain…