Hi everyone! It’s been a busy weekend for me. I’ve pretty much used my weekend to pack up and mail out the very first batches of my Vampire Enya novel. Thank you again everyone for your amazing support! This has been one of the most successful book releases I’ve had since perhaps my very first Yogurt book. The number of orders was relatively overwhelming, but I’ve been diligent in handling them effectively. Please look forward to receiving your copies within 2 or so weeks of shipping!

In this comic, students begin packing into the classroom. The art teacher introduces herself to the rest of the class and wishes everyone a happy start of the new school semester back from summer. She then leads the students to Yogurt, elevating her to the rest of the class as a fellow teacher that will be teaching all of them! She informs the class that Yogurt will be as much of a teacher as herself, and reassures the kids that they can look up to her just as much.