Surprise! The second promotional extra comic for my new children’s picture book series Sketch Artist Koko!

Follow the link below to read up more about my upcoming book:
Sketch Artist Koko and the Cat Named Patty

I’ve been hard at work piecing together a manuscript for the first book in the series. Once I’m certain that it’s as good as it can be, I can move on to illustrating the book. Apart from eventually publishing the book, I’ve also promised to promote the new series by means of what I do best, that is writing short 4-panel comics! Released alongside regular Yogurt Short Comics, I’ll also be occasionally uploading Sketch Artist Koko comics, which are simply short promotional material detailing the new characters and their antics outside of the standalone children’s books. My goal for these comics is to help promote the new book series and to give it a unique web presence that would otherwise be non-existent. Unlike the Yogurt series, which is mainly a webcomic series with a light focus on published books, Sketch Artist Koko will be built from-the-ground-up to be a book series with a very light focus on promo webcomics.