A new month, a new comic! With high school completed, Yogurt would be spending the summer in the mountains together with her dad and her best friend, Berry. In this comic, everyone had just packed up everything in the car and are about to make their journey towards the mountains. Berry’s mom is a little worried. She’s constantly asking if Berry has everything all pack up, to which even Berry is getting a little annoyed by it. Before parting ways for the trip, Berry’s mom gives him one last hug as tightly as she can.

In the past, Berry was able to travel out of the country with Yogurt. In fact, Berry’s mom had always encouraged it, often entrusting her son to Yogurt’s dad to look after him during his trips. But regardless of how far away, how close by, how short or how long of a trip, Berry’s mom would always get anxious whenever she lets her son go.