Another comic for the week! Just a quick update about Vol.6. So far I haven’t heard much from the printing company about the books, but I’m hoping that they’ll be shipped out to me sometime during this week. Once they’ve arrived, I’ll be prepping to ship them out to everyone who preordered, so please bear with me!

In this comic, Yogurt and Berry are out at the cafe. Yogurt had just written her exam for one of the courses she’s taking for her first semester. She’s already dreading it. She feels like she didn’t do too well for the exam. And that’s probably the thing that might shock some students upon entering post-secondary. The exams might be more difficult than anticipated, and often without a doubt, some students would experience their first real academic failure. Yogurt is no exception. Although, she certainly had struggled through even her high school materials. Luckily, Berry is there to help motivate her and provide her comfort as necessary.