Hi everyone! A new comic for the week! In the last comic, Yogurt and Anne got pretty excited for what’s to come next year! They’re going to be placed into field experience positions for teaching. In other words, they’ll be student teachers!

For this comic, Anne is curious about what Gabe will be up to next year. However, Berry doesn’t quite have a clear idea of what to do next year. He’s still wondering about his major. Being in this sort of position this late into studies isn’t unheard of. A lot of students may be doing pretty well, but may also not have a major in mind just yet. Berry will have to figure that out at some point, but he’s beginning to feel the pressure build up. This has been a problem for him for the last couple of years too…

Anyways, I have some fairly important news to share. Within the next 48 hours, I will be going in for a surgery that I have been preparing for last couple of months. With that in mind, I recognize that I might not be able to do much work for the next while. However, I do expect a fairly quick recovery over the next week. I’ve closed my commissions for the time being, but I hope to still be able to work on comics, depending on my condition. I hope everything goes well!