Hi everyone! It’s a new month and I have a new chapter of comics to share! Yogurt Short Comics Vol.8 has been completed, just in time for the Yogurt’s 20th birthday printing day!! So for everyone who has pre-ordered a book, I’ll be sending out invoices to you once all of my books have arrived from the printer. Even though I’m sending the book in pretty soon, I will likely not be getting my books in until nearing the end of the month, depending on how quickly the printers will be able to get my order made. In any case, I’m really happy to have another book for the year completed!!

In this comic, we start the chapter with Yogurt in bed. It’s the morning, and Berry is there to help wake her up. Yogurt shuffles around before she notices Berry. As Yogurt turns to face Berry, Berry greets her for the morning and wishes her a happy birthday. That’s right! We’re starting the chapter on Yogurt’s birthday! Yogurt immediately reaches out to Berry to give him a very grateful hug.